Hey, I'm @denver-code AKA Ihor Savenko. I'm interested in:
- Software Engineering (Rust, Pyton, Flutter, C++, React, NextJs, ...)
- Computer Vision
- Reverse Engineering
- Software Security
- Game Modding
- API Development
- Design
- Mobile Development
I'm currenty studying Computer Science at the University of Portsmouth, UK, England.
In my spare time I enjoy working on side projects, contributing to open source, and playing. I'm also a big fan of the Rust programming language. On this blog I write about projects I'm working on as well as general topics I'm interested in.
Telegram: https://t.me/operatorSilence
Github: https://github.com/denver-code
Discord: operatorsilence
Email: contact@ihorsavenko.com or csigorek@gmail.com
I always enjoy a good conversation, so feel free to DM me anytime :)